Students need to feel secure enough to focus on their studies, develop personally, and chart a course for future success while attending college or university. Harassment and discrimination based on a student’s gender can negatively impact their college experience.
If you feel you’ve been a victim of Title IX violations at the University of Michigan or any federally funded school in Ann Arbor, our Title IX attorneys are here to help you enforce your rights under the law.
White Law PLLC has filed and won litigation against universities and colleges. Additionally, they have successfully defended those who had suffered from prejudice and sexual assault. We are a firm that will vigorously protect the rights of victims, and we may be able to help.
What is Title IX Exactly?
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a Federal civil rights law that outlawed all forms of discrimination based on gender in public and private schools across the United States. Title IX prohibits any form of bias against students because of their gender.
Harassment, bias, discrimination, violence, and sexual assault are also included. Verbal abuse, voyeurism, stalking, exhibitionism, physical threats based on sexuality, and intimate relationship violence are all forms of sexual violence.
Title IX defines the rules and procedures for colleges to follow regarding reporting, enforcing, and doing statistical research on sexual assault safety. In addition to traditional forms of sexual harassment, Title IX also covers institutional forms of harassment, such as sexual harassment by school personnel.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
An Attorney Can Protect Your Rights in a Title IX Case
Students of both sexes are eligible for protection under Title IX. Whatever a person’s actual or perceived sex, gender identity, or gender expression may be, they are guaranteed protection under Title IX against discrimination based on these categories.
Finding competent legal counsel should be one of your top priorities if you plan to file a Title IX or Clery Act complaint. You need an advocate who hears your story, works hard to defend your rights, and isn’t afraid to fight against these institutions.
Nobody, regardless of their gender identity or expression, should be subjected to violence, harassment, or discrimination. Lawyers can be a valuable support system in addition to helping you with your legal or academic situation.
If you decide to contact the authorities, get medical attention, or take other action, a Title IX lawyer in Ann Arbor can help.

We’re not just lawyers. We’re passionate advocates who will ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.
Sexual Assault, Rape, Violence
Campus sexual assaults happen to members of each gender, but women experience sexual assault and violence at a higher rate than men. In both cases, it is believed that the actual instances of these assaults remain unreported due to fear of retaliation or damage to reputations.
Sexual assault is one of the most pressing Title IX issues on college campuses because of the intimate connection between sex and violence and the disproportionate risk of sexual assault faced by female students.
It’s important to understand that Sexual victimization is not your fault. A Title IX attorney in Ann Arbor can be your voice and help you stand up to the person who victimized you.

We know how to get our clients the results they need in the toughest legal arenas.
Victims of Sexual Violence on Campus Have A Right to Protection and Justice
When you’ve been the victim of a sexual assault on campus, you deserve to be heard. Incompetent security measures ignored pleas for help, and repeatedly brushed off complaints have all resulted in on-campus murders in recent years.
If your complaints are not being heard, a Title XI lawyer may be able to help. A Title XI attorney in Ann Arbor can help students who have been victims of sexual assault on campus all the way through the process, from filing a report to attending a Title IX hearing.
Investigations have been botched, accusations have been ignored, and rapists have been allowed to stay on campus due to schools and universities issuing weak punishments in recent years. Your Ann Arbor Title IX victim’s attorney will work to hold schools accountable and make sure they take appropriate action to rid campuses of sexual predators.

You will always work directly with your attorney throughout your case.
Gender Discrimination in the Classroom
Examples of sex discrimination in the classroom include excluding students of a certain gender from certain courses or programs. When women are discouraged from pursuing opportunities or education in a traditionally male-dominated area, an Ann Arbor Title IX lawyer can help.
Discrimination against a student because she is pregnant is another example. Since pregnancy is a natural part of a woman’s reproductive system, it is a violation of Title IX to deny a woman educational or career opportunities because of pregnancy.
Some other examples of gender discrimination that could impact your ability to access fair and equal education opportunities include:
- Discrimination, bias, or hostility towards a person because of their gender
- Title VII-protected discrimination based on gender identity
- Discrimination based on gender in a classroom, activity, program, athletics, office, or classroom
- Gender-based bullying or sexist remarks
- Stereotyping, sexism, and sexist attitudes
- Unproportionate athletic programs or activities offered to both sexes compared to the college’s enrollment
Put Our Experience To Work For You in Your Ann Arbor Title IX Victim Claim
Title IX lawyers at White Law PLLC have represented clients in high-profile cases, such as the claim brought against the University of Michigan and Larry Nassar, and have served the Ann Arbor community.
On behalf of more than 160 victims of sexual assault, attorney Jamie White and his team relentlessly pursued justice and hefty financial recompense. Mr. White has worked in some of the most intricate areas of law, both in and out of the courtroom and in mediation.
In addition, Mr. White has collaborated with lawmakers and activists to promote institutional reform to prevent this type of child abuse from occurring in the future.
Contact an Ann Arbor Title IX Law Firm Today
You can take action, and you are protected under the law. Students who file a Title IX complaint or lawsuit are shielded against retaliation, which might take the form of negative repercussions, intensified harassment, or disciplinary sanctions.
This may provide them with more legal options for retaliation damages. A lawyer from our firm can help. If you’re a victim of a Title IX violation in Ann Arbor, you may benefit from consulting with an attorney at White Law PLLC.
Call our civil rights attorney immediately if you or your child experienced sex discrimination while enrolled in high school or college. Our law firm advocates for students who have been victims of sexual harassment, assault, or other Title IX violations on campus. Contact us today for a no-obligation legal evaluation of your situation.
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We Exceed Client Expectations.