For many years, clergy childhood sex abuse victims live with deep secrets that cause immense anguish and shame. Though the abuse stopped long ago, its damage remains. They struggle with trauma, depression, and substance abuse stemming from those early abuses.
However, survivors have come forward, breaking their silence at last. Inspired by their courage, many others have found the strength to tell their stories. Though speaking out can be painful, there can be solace in confronting those who enabled such abuse.
It’s important to know you are not to blame for what happened. A clergy sex abuse lawyer in Waterford Township can help you seek justice against your abuser and the institution that allowed it to happen. White Law PLLC can stand beside you as you make your voice heard.
What Can a Waterford Clergy Sex Abuse Attorney Do?
Here are some of the benefits a clergy sex abuse lawyer in Waterford Township can provide as you pursue your case:
Our firm has extensive experience representing sex abuse survivors in high-profile cases against dioceses, churches, priests, and other organizations, such as the Boy Scouts of America.
Our attorneys successfully recovered compensation for the survivors and made these institutions take responsibility for covering up abuse or failing to prevent it. We understand the sensitive nature and complexities involved in such cases.
Confidential Case Evaluation at No Cost
In a confidential, free case evaluation, we can review your situation to determine if you have a viable abuse claim under Michigan law. Things like the statute of limitations and any past settlements may need to be considered. A church sex abuse lawyer can properly assess if legal action is feasible.
Legal Action
A Waterford Township, MI, clergy sex abuse attorney can file a lawsuit on your behalf, alleging that the Catholic Diocese, church, church leadership, or other defendants knew or should have known about the abusive clergy member but allowed them to remain in positions putting children at risk.
We fight to obtain verdicts and settlements that will ensure surviving victims receive substantively fair compensation for medical bills, therapy, loss of income, and pain and suffering. Juries can award judgments that send a strong message.
Exposure and Evidence Gathering
We can fight to expose any evidence of cover-ups, secret files, non-disclosure agreements, or other steps taken to hide abuse.
We work to get dioceses to release previously hidden documents and records regarding other abusive priests, so the full scope of abuse and cover-ups can be understood. Accountability must come before healing.
Empowerment and Support
Our clergy sex abuse attorneys provide Waterford Township survivors with a voice and vehicle for seeking justice when they have been silenced for too long through fear, shame, guilt, or trauma.
We empower survivors to stand up for themselves and demand change. We provide you with the support you need throughout the case and work to limit your exposure to your abuser wherever possible.
Creating Change
We negotiate with dioceses or other religious organizations to establish victim compensation funds, trauma counseling programs, and other support services for those who suffered abuse.
As we fight for your compensation, we also work to prevent future criminal behavior, ensure current child protection, and promote reform in institutional policies, practices, and culture.
Hiring an experienced clergy sex abuse lawyer in Waterford Township offers survivors the support and legal expertise needed to seek justice on their own terms.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
What if I Cannot Afford an Attorney?
The legal costs of pursuing justice for the harms caused by abuse can be quite significant. We understand that survivors may then face financial burdens or re-traumatization at the prospect of legal fees on top of medical and living expenses.
Those who have been silenced for so long through no fault of their own deserve counsel and support without sacrificing basic necessities. Our firm works passionately to fight for survivors’ rights and well-being.
By handling abuse cases through contingency fees, survivors have counsel without accumulating debt they did not choose nor deserve. We get paid only if we win, so you pay nothing if we do not achieve success and compensation.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
Is it too Late for Me to File a Claim for Clergy Sex Abuse That I Experienced as a Minor?
Many potential claimants can now seek monetary compensation as adults for the abuse they endured as children. According to MCL 600.5851b., a claim for actions taken when the plaintiff was a minor may be made at any time before the person is 28.
Otherwise, people have three years to file a claim from the time they become aware of the abuse or connect the injury to unlawful sexual behavior. However, these laws are ever-changing, and certain circumstances may extend these time frames.
Our attorneys represent clergy abuse survivors in Waterford Township and all over Michigan. We can help you if:
- You are the parent of a child who has been sexually abused by a church leader or clergy
- You are a legal adult who has experienced clergy child sex abuse
- You are currently a minor or child who is experiencing or have experienced sexual abuse by a church leader
- You were a child victim of clergy sexual assault or abuse who wishes to pursue justice as an adult
You could still be able to file a claim even if the abuse happened years ago. It’s best to reach out to our Waterford Township clergy sex abuse lawyers to learn how we may be able to help you.
Contact A Waterford Township Clergy Sex Abuse Law Firm For A Free Consultation
White Law PLLC can help to uncover the truth of systemic cover-ups and hold these criminals and the institutions who protected them liable for their actions. After decades of secrecy, light can be shed on the darkness that has enveloped you for so long.
By fighting and holding these organizations financially and legally accountable, survivors can raise their voices and find healing. Though compensation cannot erase past harms, you can move forward with the financial resources you need to heal and rebuild your life.
Your trauma can be transformed into resilience, your anguish into purpose, and your silence into truth. Make your stand knowing that you aren’t alone. Contact us to find out how we can help.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.