Domestic violence is a serious topic, and when people make false accusations of the behavior, it can distract from the real cases. But you still have a right to have a lawyer fight the false allegations that were made against you.
If you were falsely accused of domestic violence, a Michigan domestic violence defense lawyer at White Law PLLC can help you navigate the legal process and defend your side of the situation. With our Michigan criminal defense lawyer, we believe that everyone deserves the chance to defend themselves.
Why Do False Accusations of Domestic Violence Occur?
People accuse other people of domestic violence for a variety of reasons. One of the most common reasons that someone may accuse you of domestic violence is to get revenge. If you have an ex-partner who feels that you wronged them, they may falsely accuse you of physical violence.
Some of the triggers that may cause someone to accuse you of domestic violence are a breakup, an argument with intense emotions, or a grudge they have against you.
Another reason someone may say that you engaged in domestic violence against them is if you are in the middle of a divorce or trying to get custody of your children. People may accuse you to make you look like the bad person in the situation so they can either get a higher financial reward or get custody of your child.
Regardless of the reason, untrue domestic violence accusations can unnecessarily harm your reputation. But our Michigan domestic violence defense lawyers can be there to prove your side of the story.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
What Actions Can Hurt Your Case After You’ve Been Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence?
After you’ve been accused of domestic violence, you need to be very careful of your actions. One wrong move and your accuser’s lawyer may use it against you, and you could lose your case defense. If you communicate with your accuser or their family, it could hurt your case because it can anger your accuser, and they may try to use it against you.
For example, if you are navigating a child custody case and you try to talk to your child without the consent of your ex-partner.
This situation can very quickly cross a boundary and cause additional issues to your already difficult situation. You should follow the rules of the court when it comes to speaking with your child. Another thing that could hurt your defense is speaking with the police or any authority related to your situation without a Michigan domestic violence defense attorney by your side.
Even if you don’t think you have said something that could incriminate you, the plaintiff’s lawyer may still use any of your statements against you. When you work with an attorney, you can avoid this and any other situations that may endanger your defense.

We know how to get our clients the results they need in the toughest legal arenas.
What is Valuable Defense Evidence in a Domestic Violence Case?
When you’re accused of abusing your partner, and the accusations are false, you need to have substantial evidence that you were not the cause of their injuries. One piece of evidence that is valuable in a domestic violence defense case is evidence that your home environment is respectful and free of intense conflicts.
To prove this, Michigan domestic violence defense attorneys may gather testimony from your children, if they are old enough to understand the situation, neighbors, and family members that are close to you and your ex-partner. A court may determine if your child is competent enough to testify and can guide them through the situation if they are.
Another piece of valuable evidence when you’re proving your defense against accusations is any communication from your accuser that states or threatens that they are going to falsely accuse you of domestic violence. This type of evidence is pretty much indisputable since it’s coming directly from your accuser.
However, be ready for your accuser’s lawyer to still try to prove their side of the story.

We understand that you may be going through a difficult situation and we are ready to help however we can.
How Can a Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Benefit Your Potential Case?
When you’re fighting for your reputation after you’ve been accused of domestic violence, you need a defense lawyer on your side to help get you the results you need. Here are some of the things we can do for you to help your case:
Protect Your Reputation
Your reputation at work, in your social circle, and even with your family can be damaged when you’re accused of domestic violence. But we can be here to defend you and prevent your reputation from worsening.
We understand the stress and even sadness that you may experience when you’re accused of abuse.
Gather Evidence
Keeping track of all the evidence that can help you prove your defense against the accusations can be difficult. Our team can compile all the relevant evidence and put it into a digital or physical file so that it’s accessible to the people who may need it.
As lawyers, we can also get access to medical records, driving records, and criminal records that may help us in our defense against the accusations.
Free Consultation
Our law firm can give you a free consultation and tell you if we are able to defend your case. In your consultation, we can answer any questions that you may have about the legal process.
We can also tell you how long you have to file any necessary paperwork that you need to file. You should never face false accusations of domestic violence without an experienced defense lawyer by your side.

You will always work directly with your attorney throughout your case.
Contact White Law PLLC to Start Building Your Defense Today
If you were accused of domestic violence and the accusations are false, our team at White Law PLLC can tell you if you have a case, and if you do, we can gather the necessary evidence to defend your case.
Call us or fill out the contact form on our website to get a free consultation.
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