Sexual abuse happens daily in the United States, and unfortunately, religious institutions and clergy members contribute to those numbers. The clergy sex abuse lawyer with White Law PLLC is committed to supporting survivors in their journey to seeking justice. Our firm has recovered millions of dollars in settlements for survivors of sexual abuse, including international settlements.
Sexual abuse can change the lives of everyone it touches, leaving a lasting effect on families and, in the case of clergy abuse, entire communities. The way clergy members like Father Ronald Dombrowski abuse their position and the trust it comes with is abhorrent. Our Michigan sexual abuse lawyers are here to help you hold them accountable.
Allegations Against Father Ronald Dombrowski
Father Ronald Dombrowski was ordained into the Diocese of Saginaw in 1972 after serving as a deacon in several parishes from 1970 to 1972. He was removed from the ministry in 2021 after several sexual abuse allegations in 2018. The first survivor came forward to report his abuse as a minor following the arrest of Father Robert J DeLand, also in the Saginaw Diocese.
Following the initial report, two more people came forward with reports of sexual abuse at the hands of Fr. Dombrowski. These allegations date back to the beginning of Dombrowski’s career.
The long history and known rates of underreporting abuse of this kind make it plausible that he victimized many more during his time in ministry who have not made reports.
If you have survived sexual abuse by Fr. Dombrowski, your story matters, and you deserve to be heard. The Michigan criminal defense lawyers at White Law PLLC is dedicated to working with survivors to seek justice for their abuse. Coming forward is hard, but breaking the silence is the first step.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Investigating the Diocese of Saginaw
Concerns of sexual abuse by priests in the United States became more prominent in the 1980s and 1990s. It wasn’t until 2017 that the Michigan Attorney General composed a task force to investigate all seven Michigan dioceses following more reports of sexual abuse by members of the Catholic church.
In October 2018, The Diocese of Saginaw was included in search warrants, allowing law enforcement to collect digital and physical documentation regarding staff members and any reports of concerns.
The goal of this search was to investigate possible abuse cases that have gone unaddressed, as well as identify the Diocese’s attempts to cover up the abuse.
This has been an occurrence in the Diocese of Saginaw’s failure to investigate or report Father Robert J. DeLand sexual abuse allegations. Allegations of coverups have been heavy-handed as more comes to light, though the final report from the AG office on the findings from the Diocese of Saginaw has not yet been released.
The full report with the investigation results into the Diocese of Saginaw has yet to be released but is expected in the coming months. The current count of credible accusations against priests in the Saginaw Diocese includes 16 men, including Father Ronald Dombrowski. While the individuals on this list are considered credibly accused, this is not an indicator of conviction.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
Exposing Sexual Abuse by Clergy Members
Many people may still think of a sexual abuser as the creepy guy in the white van, but research has shown this to be inaccurate. The Rape abuse incest national network(RAINN) tells us that 90% of child sexual abusers are known to their victims and 80% of all perpetrators. In cases of child abuse, this is presumed to be due to the often necessary act of grooming.
Actions that constitute sexual abuse can be incredibly varied. These can include overtly violent behaviors such as penetrative assault. However, they may also include actions with a minor or unwilling adult, such as:
- Exposure to pornography or sexually explicit material
- Masturbating in front of
- Taking explicit or sexually suggestive photos for sexual gratification
- Forced physical contact for sexual gratification
- Fondling or groping
The Role of Grooming in Clergy Sexual Abuse
Grooming is the process by which a sexual abuser gains the trust and compliance of their target. This is often made easier for clergy members due to the inherent trust and access to their children many give.
The process of grooming is insidious and may look like someone who has taken a special interest in your child, gives them gifts, takes trips with them, or seems to try to spend a lot of time alone.
Effects of Clergy Sexual Abuse
When trusted community members betray us, not only violating our trust but hurting our children, it can fracture a social system. This kind of behavior can cause mistrust and conflict within the church community among those who want to believe that a position as sacred as a priest is invulnerable to these kinds of evil. It can isolate the family if they are seen as troublemakers and isolate the individual if the family does not believe their outcry.
Individual effects of sexual abuse can be pervasive in the individual, family, and other interpersonal dynamics. When we consider the impact abuse has had on a person, we must consider the individual person without comparing their experience to those of others. Individuals may show their trauma in different ways, but some of the more common lingering effects of sexual trauma can include:
- Change in sleeping or eating habits
- Mood swings
- Heightened sexual behavior
- Self-harm
- Personality disorder diagnoses
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Increased chance of Developing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Contact a Clergy Sexual Abuse Lawyer Today
If a member of the clergy has sexually abused you, you have a right to tell your story and may be entitled to compensation for your injuries resulting from the abuse.
White Law PLLC has been a diligent advocate for clergy abuse survivors and their road to recovery. When you decide to tell your story, we will be here to listen.
History has shown that every person who speaks out carves a path for others to build the courage to do the same. If Ronald Dombrowski or any other clergy member has abused you or someone you know, you can contact us for a free case consultation. Everyone deserves a chance at justice and recovery.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.