It’s difficult to quantify what kind of impact criminal charges can have on your life. If you let charges of any degree go unchallenged, you may find yourself contending with unexpected jail time and substantial fines. In some cases, unchallenged charges may force you out of a job or make it harder for you to maintain professional connections in the future.
It is with that future in mind that you want to take every step possible to challenge inappropriate criminal accusations leveled against you. You don’t have to do so alone, either. You can work with a criminal defense lawyer in Detroit, MI, to make your position known to a criminal judge. Together you can fight to keep your criminal record clear.
What Constitutes a Criminal Charge in Michigan?
There is a whole swath of criminal charges that Michigan residents can face at the hands of malicious parties. Accusations of white-collar crime, homicides, drunk driving, and narcotics offenses all appear in front of Michigan’s criminal judges with some regularity.
The good news is that the White Law PLLC’s Detroit criminal defense lawyers have a combined 60+ years of experience addressing accusations like these. When you or a loved one bring your accusations to our table, we can talk you through the charges and begin brainstorming your best defense.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
Reacting to Criminal Accusations
If you face criminal accusations, there’s a good chance that Michigan police officers may arrest you. It is in your best interest, both during an arrest and immediately following, to abide by police officers’ instructions. You do not want to compound the charges brought against you by giving officers the grounds to charge you with obstruction of justice.
That said, you are fully entitled to your Miranda Rights, which police officers should recite to you at the time of your arrest. These rights entitle you to the protection of an attorney and the opportunity to remain silent when confronted with officers’ questions.
If you do choose to invoke the right to remain silent, make that intention clear. You can say, “I invoke my right to remain silent and wish to speak with an attorney,” then say nothing until your representative arrives. Doing so can protect you from an officer’s attempt to take any statements you make out of context when/if your case goes to court.

We’re not just lawyers. We’re passionate advocates who will ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.
Meeting With a Criminal Defense Attorney
The sooner you can meet with a criminal defense attorney, the more time you’ll have to discuss the charges brought against you. If you’re contending with accusations of white-collar crime in Detroit, for example, you may receive a warning from federal bodies that a legal institution intends to take action against you.
In these cases, you can begin working with a criminal defense lawyer long before you actually face specific charges. In most other cases, however, you may only have the opportunity to reach out to an attorney after you’ve been arrested or otherwise charged.
Fortunately, you are legally entitled to a phone call after you’ve been arrested. You or a loved one can contact an attorney, schedule a time to meet, and determine how you want to address the charges brought against you.
Working With a Criminal Defense Attorney Takes Stress Off of Your Plate
To say that contending with criminal accusations is stressful is a tremendous understatement. The pressure put on you in both your personal and legal life rarely seems fair. Instead of contending with the impact of criminal accusations on your job, personal life, and finances, however, you can turn to a criminal defense attorney.
Specifically, criminal defense attorneys in Detroit can:
- Communicate with the prosecution and related parties on your behalf
- Research your case and prepare your counterarguments
- Ensure that you are treated fairly by an employer and insurance provider as well as applicable legal parties
- Fight for your right to make bail and return home, if such an option is available to you
You can discuss the full extent of the criminal defense services you want to benefit from during an initial consultation with White Law PLLC team members.

We understand that you may be going through a difficult situation and we are ready to help however we can.
How to Challenge Criminal Accusations
If you want to challenge the criminal accusations brought against you, you can work with an attorney to specifically address your circumstances and arguments that have successfully challenged similar charges in the past. In many cases, you may have the opportunity to argue:
- Police officers or related parties didn’t have probable cause when charging you with a crime
- The equipment used to determine your blood alcohol level or general degree of intoxication where inaccurate
- The prosecution failed to uphold their burden of proof in court

You will always work directly with your attorney throughout your case.
What to Expect From a Criminal Trial
No two criminal trials are going to look the same. While you can reference precedent when considering what kind of case to expect, the unique circumstances of your accusations will change how you communicate your position and on what specific charges the prosecution tries to convict you.
That said, most criminal trials take considerable time to resolve. You should expect to undergo the following stages as your case progresses, provided that you plead not guilty:
- Discovery
- Opening statements
- Examination and presentation of evidence
- Cross-examination
- Closing statements
After both you and the prosecution make your closing statements, an attending jury can begin their deliberations. If the jury makes a claim that you disagree with, you can work with a criminal defense attorney in Detroit, MI, to appeal that decision. You may only appeal, however, if you can present new evidence regarding your case’s original accusations.
Criminal Defense Lawyers in Detroit Represent Your Best Interests
If you have questions about your rights in the wake of criminal charges, know that neither you nor your family has to open that can of worms on your own. You can collaborate with a Detroit criminal defense attorney to challenge the accusations brought against you. Together we can fight to protect your record from false and/or inaccurate charges.
Are you ready to take the fight to your wrongful accuser? Schedule a consultation with White Law PLLC representatives today. Our team can meet you in jail or at your preferred location to discuss how best to address the criminal accusations wrongfully leveled against you. Contact us online or over the phone for more information about our services.
We’re Experienced. We Care.
We Exceed Client Expectations.