Car accidents can be traumatic and violent events. If you have recently been involved in a vehicle collision and are experiencing trouble with your vision, it could be directly related to your accident. We can assist you in determining if your difficulty seeing is a result of injuries you sustained in your auto accident.
Head and eye injuries can be devastating and cause you problems for years to come. Our team at White Law PLLC is trial proven, and our clients have been awarded over $1.4 billion in damages. Your Okemos car accident lawyer may be your opportunity to find relief and the finances you deserve to move on with your life.
Why It Is Vital to Retain Legal Counsel if You Are Suffering Vision Problems
The sense of sight is often taken for granted by the population at large. While you can learn to live with hindered or complete loss of vision, it would likely create significant hurdles for your day-to-day life. Your Okemos personal injury lawyer can help you navigate the complex court system and aid in estimating the costs associated with eye or head injuries.
Eye or brain surgery can be among the most costly medical expenses. Your injuries may require funding that you simply cannot afford. Damage to your vision cannot be measured without quality, expensive medical care.
Whether you have exorbitant medical expenses or need reimbursement for damage to your quality of life, a trial-proven attorney is crucial. Your injuries resulting in loss of vision may need lifelong care depending on the trauma your body has experienced. Your dedicated legal advocate will fight for the compensation you need to return to some semblance of life as you knew it before your crash.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
Auto Accidents Can Cause Serious Head Trauma that May Affect Your Vision
Head injuries of many varieties are common in automobile accidents. These injuries can cause lasting damage to your quality of life and cost thousands of dollars in associated medical costs. Once you have been examined by a medical professional, your personal injury lawyer can guide you toward the next steps needed to ensure you receive the fair and just compensation you need to rebuild your life.
The importance of seeking medical attention after a car accident cannot be understated. You may have sustained a head injury that could present as a simple headache yet may present much more serious injuries. Some of the most common head injuries that can affect your vision are concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).
Traumatic Brain Injuries
Motor vehicle collisions can create significant forces that are transmitted to your body. If these blunt forces are directed to your head, they can cause a traumatic brain injury. Even the impact of the airbag striking your face and head can lead to brain lesions or swelling, which can be signs of a TBI.
While TBIs are still being studied, 20-40 percent of people who have experienced traumatic brain injuries report suffering from vision loss, according to BrainLine. Being suddenly struck by another vehicle could account for a possible TBI. Symptoms of a TBI can include:
- Sensory issues such as blurred vision or ringing in your ears
- Light sensitivity
- Nausea and vomiting
- Headaches
- Fatigue or drowsiness
- Memory or concentration issues
- Slurred speech
Another major concern if you have been experiencing vision issues after a car accident is a potential concussion. If you are having trouble seeing, experiencing dizziness, or have nausea following a vehicle collision, you may have a concussion. Seeking medical attention after a crash can be essential in determining if you have a concussion.
Other Injuries You May Have Sustained Resulting in Trouble Seeing
There are also other injuries that you may have suffered in a car accident. If you are experiencing any blurred or loss of vision, a thorough medical examination should be a top priority for you. Other injuries you have sustained that can result in difficulty seeing are:
- Orbital fractures – When significant blunt force is applied to your face, such as the impact of an airbag, the portion of your skull surrounding your eye can crack.
- Detached retina – When a portion of your eye becomes dislodged, it can result in shadows in your vision and should be treated immediately.
- Lacerations – Auto accidents often result in broken vehicle glass and flying debris, which can scratch or cut your eye.
- Vitreous hemorrhage – Sudden impacts can cause bleeding in the thick fluid in your eye, known as vitreous gel.
- Black eye – The forceful impact of the airbag can cause bleeding beneath the skin around the eyes that can result in simple discoloration or be a sign of a more serious injury.
- Damage to the optic nerve – Blunt force trauma, such as the force your body endures in a car accident, can result in bleeding or swelling behind the eye, causing pressure on the optic nerve, which can lead to permanent blindness.
Many of these injuries can cause a temporary or permanent loss of vision. Not only can these injuries be extremely costly financially, but they may also destroy your quality of life, affect your ability to engage in activities that you previously enjoyed, or even ruin your career. These factors should be considered when seeking the compensation you deserve for the trauma and damages you have suffered.

We understand that you may be going through a difficult situation and we are ready to help however we can.
Demand Justice and Compensation for the Impediment to Your Vision or Loss of Sight
The loss of vision is an injury that can affect every aspect of your life. From having to retrain your other senses to compensate for your reduction in sight to possibly having to start an entirely new career, damage to your sense of sight may be unthinkable to most people. You must demand the responsible party be held to account for the suffering you have endured.
At White Law PLLC, our clients are our highest priority, and our proven track record in court speaks for itself. Find the assistance you need with a dedicated car accident lawyer from our firm today. Call our offices or fill out our easy and secure contact form to schedule your no-cost, no-obligation consultation now.
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