Clergy abuse is a deep betrayal that profoundly affects victims for the rest of their lives. Understanding how to report clergy abuse at the Diocese of Marquette is vital to breaking the silence and ensuring that abusers can no longer control or hurt their victims.
Hiring a Marquette clergy sex abuse lawyer can help you navigate the reporting process and support you as you speak with law enforcement, which is the first step in reporting the abuse.
Clergy Abuse and the Role of a Clergy Abuse Lawyer
Clergy abuse is the result of misconduct on the part of a church official or leader and can often go unnoticed if church members do not know the signs or have an understanding of clergy abuse.
Vulnerable members of the church may be more susceptible to being abused by clergy due to the power imbalance that exists. Abusers may groom their victims to gain their trust and then escalate their efforts into sexual, psychological, physical, emotional, spiritual, or financial abuse.
A clergy abuse lawyer is a vital resource when making clergy abuse allegations. They provide trusted counsel and unwavering representation while also aiming to reduce your stress, minimize the pain of reliving the events, and shield you from having to interact with your abuser any more than is absolutely necessary. They will gather evidence and develop strategies to build an effective case to get you favorable results.
By courageously reporting the offender’s misconduct and hiring an experienced lawyer, you are taking the first step toward recovery and healing. Reporting provides closure and an empowered voice to reclaim your life and your story. It also allows you to receive the resources and care you need to face the aftermath and have hope again.

If you or someone you know
endured clergy sex abuse,
contact White Law PLLC today.
Options for Reporting Clergy Abuse at the Diocese of Marquette
The Diocese of Marquette, along with several other Michigan dioceses, has faced several reports of clergy abuse within the last few years. As investigations are conducted, new information comes to light, and the Michigan AG releases the Diocese of Marquette clergy abuse report, the magnitude of the problem has become clear. The reports paint a stark picture of what Catholic Church members have endured for over 70 years.
Among the Diocese of Marquette sexual abuse allegations, 44 clergy members were accused of sexual abuse. Given the number of priests who engaged in abusive conduct and the duration of time that it went on, it is key that these horrible acts are reported. Reporting helps hold clergy members responsible and prevent more churchgoers from being abused.
If you or someone you care about has been a victim of clergy abuse, it is important to know that you have several reporting options available to you. You are also well within your rights to hire a lawyer and take legal action to get justice. Below is a closer look at some of the channels available to you for reporting clergy abuse.
Law Enforcement
Reports of clergy sexual abuse should be made to the local law enforcement in Marquette or via the hotline provided by the Michigan Department of Attorney General. Alerting law enforcement about the abuse you have suffered is the best way to stop the abuser and hold them accountable for their action.
From here, an investigation will commence, and civil or criminal action can be taken against the offender.
Diocese of Marquette
Victims also have the opportunity to report clergy abuse through the Diocese of Marquette.
They provide resources and directions on how to report abuse at the church level. The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting System is also available for victims who need to report bishop abuse.
RAINN Hotline
The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network RAINN provides victims with the opportunity to report abuse through the national sexual assault hotline.
They provide a variety of resources for abuse victims to get assistance and care in multiple areas. The national hotline can be a good option if you are not comfortable directly reporting what you have experienced through local channels.
Marquette Clergy Abuse Lawyer
A Marquette clergy abuse attorney is always available to help you report the abuse you have suffered and determine the best course of legal action.
They will help you file the appropriate documents needed for a clergy abuse claim and protect your rights to make sure your voice is heard. A lawyer is your ally and advocate throughout the legal process.

You can contact our clergy sex abuse
lawyers today and rest easier with
experienced attorneys tackling your case.
What to Expect After Reporting Clergy Abuse
Understanding what happens after you report clergy abuse is important so you can prepare yourself for what lies ahead. Following an allegation of clergy abuse, law enforcement will investigate to determine what transpired. While this may trigger a criminal case to bring the offender to justice, you may also pursue a civil case seeking restitution.
In some instances, the abuse you have suffered may be too painful and fresh for you to consider proceeding with legal action right away. Because of the sensitive nature of what you have experienced, Michigan allows survivors to bring forth a claim anytime within 10 years of the event, according to MCL – Section 600.5805(6).
For circumstances where the abuse was discovered at a later date, MCL – Section 600.5851b accommodates the delayed discovery by setting a statute of limitations for three years from the point of awareness.
You can also seek compensation to mitigate some of the impact of your losses. This can reduce the financial burden and offset the effects the trauma has had on your life. To receive the maximum compensation, talk to a lawyer as soon as possible.
Compassionate Service from an Experienced Clergy Abuse Lawyer
White Law PLLC understands that the reporting process may feel intimidating and painful, but our team ensures you receive compassionate and empathetic representation and service from start to finish.
When you work with a clergy abuse lawyer in Marquette, you can be assured that you are our top priority, and we will work to resolve your case as quickly as possible. Learn more about what we can do for you when you schedule a free consultation today.

You have the right to reach out to
a clergy sex abuse attorney and
discuss your right to legal action.