If you keep up with the news, you know a week does not go by without stories of sexual abuse allegations against clergy. Victims, silenced for decades, have in recent years come forward to expose their abusers and seek justice. Sadly, there are victims in all parts of the world–including the Diocese of Kalamazoo, Michigan.
If a priest or other clergy from the Diocese of Kalamazoo sexually abused you, White Law PLLC is here to help you fight for justice and compensation for your suffering. A Michigan clergy sexual abuse lawyer from our team is ready to listen to your story, investigate your situation, and work to hold your abuser accountable.
The Church Failed to Protect Victims
Though investigations into allegations of abuse by clergy only ramped up in recent decades, the discoveries show abuse has likely been part of the church’s entire history. The institution’s horrible secret was exposed in the early 2000s when journalists in Boston broke the church’s silence forcibly. States, including Michigan, responded to the discoveries by enacting legislation to protect victims and punish abusers.
House Bill 5984 started Michigan’s process, providing a history of how clergy abuse was discovered and a description of the church’s persistent efforts to keep allegations of abuse, evidence of abuse, and the voices of the abused quiet. According to the Bill, the archdiocese moved abusive priests among parishes once trouble started or settled many lawsuits privately, ensuring the settlement included confidentiality agreements preventing victims from speaking out publicly or to law enforcement. It documents acknowledgment from Catholic Bishops who said the church’s commitment to secrecy “created an atmosphere that has inhibited the healing process” and allowed sexual abuse to continue.
The Bill recounts initial discoveries of abuse as Michigan began its own investigation into Catholic churches. Tragically, though not surprisingly, Michigan parishioners were not spared from abuse at the hands of those they trusted. And as investigations have continued, even into very recent years, more abuse has been discovered.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
Abuse Allegations in Michigan and the Diocese of Kalamazoo
The Michigan Office of the Attorney General recently distributed a report on the State’s Clergy Abuse Investigation. The report documents findings from investigations into all of Michigan’s seven Dioceses of Michigan’s Catholic churches. None were free of abuse allegations.
The Diocese of Kalamazoo had the lowest number of accused priests and victims, 22 and 13, respectively. Though these numbers are low compared to the 105 accused priests and 207 found in the Diocese of Grand Rapids, the effects on each individual are no less tragic. And, as evidence continues to emerge, those numbers may increase.
The Kalamazoo Diocese has instituted measures to help victims make a report of sexual abuse and posts resources and information to support victims. While victims should report their abuse to ensure there is follow-through and that their rights are protected, they should partner with an experienced Kalamazoo clergy sexual abuse attorney. If you are a victim, White Law PLLC will guide you through the reporting process and help you seek compensation for the harm your abuser caused you.
Identifying Abusers in the Diocese of Kalamazoo
The Attorney General’s two-year investigation into Michigan’s clergy abuse ultimately “identified 454 accused priests and 811 victims” throughout Michigan. Thus far, only eleven clergymen have faced charges. The team at White Law PLLC has followed the investigation closely, publishing a list of priests accused of sexual assault in Michigan.
Do not be discouraged from connecting with us if you do not see your abuser’s name on our list. Your abuser may have been moved from the Diocese of Kalamazoo and be on another state’s list of abusers. Or, allegations against the clergyperson who hurt you may not have been investigated yet.
Justice for You and Protection for Others
Though the Catholic Church has taken measures, recently expressed at the Vatican Summit, to punish clergy abusers, more must be done. The Church did not establish a plan for working with authorities, and with its history of secrecy, this lack of policy leaves many concerned that the church will continue to deal with abuse inadequately. By partnering with a Kalamazoo sexual abuse lawyer from White Law PLLC, you put your case in the hands of a compassionate legal representative who understands what Michigan State law says about clergy abuse–and we will fight hard to get you justice under those laws.
The long-term effects of clergy abuse cannot be underestimated. While criminal charges can hold your abuses criminally responsible for their actions, a civil case can offer compensation for the financial and emotional costs of the abuse on your life. Your clergy sexual abuse lawyer in Kalamazoo will investigate your case thoroughly, working to compile convincing evidence that results in a substantial settlement.
Every victim’s situation is different, but you can count on your attorney to calculate a settlement that brings you justice and covers your losses. Victims of clergy sexual abuse often receive:
- Compensation for related medical costs
- Coverage for therapy loss
- Income replacement for wages lost during recovery
- Financial acknowledgement for emotional and psychological suffering
- Relocation expenses
Securing compensation offers you a sense of justice but also acts as a deterrent, showing potential abusers what their actions can cost them and preventing them from hurting others.

We understand that you may be going through a difficult situation and we are ready to help however we can.
You Matter to Us
Clergy abuse victims often feel abandoned and alone. People they trusted to care for them, lead them, and protect them betrayed them in the worst way possible. The team at White Law PLLC acknowledges your abuse and how it has affected your life. We will not leave you alone but will stand by you as you fight for justice–and we will be there every step of the way.
Connect with a skilled, compassionate Kalamazoo clergy sexual abuse lawyer for a free case review with a phone call or an electronic message. Our team has full knowledge of Michigan law and extensive experience building strong clergy abuse cases. We are ready to put our knowledge, experience, and resources to work for you.
We’re Experienced. We Care.
We Exceed Client Expectations.