A Traverse City truck accident can impact a person now and in the future. For example, a truck accident can cause a person to suffer a major injury. In this instance, the injured party can seek damages from anyone who caused the accident.
White Law PLLC is a full-service Traverse City law firm with many years of experience in truck accident cases. We can put you in touch with a Traverse City truck accident lawyer who advocates on your behalf. Our attorney will do their part to help you secure the maximum amount of damages possible.
Truck Accidents Cause Big Problems in Traverse City and Across the United States
Large trucks are involved in thousands of fatal crashes each year. Truck drivers can lose focus behind the wheel or deal with harsh weather or road conditions, resulting in an accident. In many instances, truck accidents lead to injuries, as well as costly medical bills.
A truck accident injury requires medical treatment. However, undergoing medical treatment can be expensive and time-consuming. If a person suffers a serious injury in a truck accident, this individual may be forced to miss work or school during their recovery, too.
By partnering with a Traverse City truck accident attorney, an individual can pursue damages from anyone responsible for an injury. A person can explain what happened during a truck accident to the attorney. From here, the lawyer can help the individual decide how to move forward with their case.

Your Fight Is Our Fight
What It Takes to File a Truck Accident Lawsuit in Traverse City
There is a three-year statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Michigan. A person has up to three years from the date of a truck accident to pursue damages from anyone who caused it to happen. If a person does not file a lawsuit within this time frame, this individual cannot do so at a later time.
To file a truck accident lawsuit in Traverse City, an individual must consider who is responsible for the incident. There can be times when a truck driver, trucking company, or other parties can be held accountable. An individual can request economic and non-economic damages from all of these parties.
A truck accident lawyer in Traverse City can detail the legal process and how a person files a lawsuit. The lawyer will ensure an individual completes the paperwork necessary to submit their lawsuit within an appropriate time frame. Once the lawsuit is filed, the attorney will work with the client to strengthen the case.

We’re not just lawyers. We’re passionate advocates who will ensure that your voice is heard and your rights are protected.
How to Build a Strong Case Following a Truck Accident in Traverse City
Evidence is an important part of presenting a viable argument in a Traverse City truck accident case. A truck accident attorney in Traverse City will help a plaintiff collect evidence from multiple sources. This evidence is organized and reviewed, and a truck accident attorney and their client figure out the best way to present it in court.
Along with evidence, a truck accident lawyer can seek witness testimony. For instance, an attorney can meet with anyone who was present at the scene of a truck accident. A truck accident witness can provide information in court that can illustrate why the plaintiff should be awarded damages.
A truck accident lawyer communicates with a plaintiff, and both parties work together to continuously strengthen their case. Plus, the lawyer explains what the plaintiff should expect when their trial date arrives. This ensures the plaintiff is well prepared for everything that will take place during the trial.

We know how to get our clients the results they need in the toughest legal arenas.
What to Expect Before a Traverse City Truck Accident Trial Arrives
Negotiations between a defendant and plaintiff in a Traverse City truck accident case are common. In the time before a trial, a truck accident case defendant can propose a settlement. The plaintiff can then review the proposal and decide if it meets their expectations.
There is no pressure for a plaintiff to accept a settlement in a Traverse City truck accident case. If a plaintiff receives a proposal from a defendant, this individual should take a look at it. If the plaintiff wants extra help, this individual can consult with their attorney.
A Traverse City truck accident lawyer can help a plaintiff decide between accepting or rejecting a settlement offer. Yet, the plaintiff must make the final decision on whether to move forward with a settlement. If a plaintiff decides a settlement offer falls short of their expectations, this individual should not hesitate to decline it.

You will always work directly with your attorney throughout your case.
How a Traverse City Truck Accident Case Gets Resolved During a Trial
If a Traverse City truck accident case ends up in court, a trial is held, and a plaintiff and defendant get an opportunity to present their respective arguments. The trial can take hours or days to complete. During the trial, the plaintiff and defendant can provide evidence and witness testimony to support their claims or dispute their counterparts.
A Traverse City truck accident attorney is a difference-maker during a trial. The attorney uses their knowledge of the legal system to find ways to contest the defendant’s argument. Also, the lawyer provides compelling information to help convince a judge or jury to rule in the plaintiff’s favor.
Once a judge or jury reviews all of the information surrounding a truck accident case, it makes a decision to close the case. The decision may allow a plaintiff to receive full or partial damages. If a judge or jury rules in the plaintiff’s favor, a defendant must pay these damages within a reasonable time frame.
Request a Free Truck Accident Case Evaluation from the Legal Team at White Law PLLC
White Law PLLC has a team of expert personal injury attorneys on staff who can respond to any concerns or questions you have regarding truck accident lawsuits. If you are in the middle of a truck accident lawsuit in Traverse City or want to sue an at-fault party, we are here to assist you in any way we can. To learn more or request a consultation, please contact us today.
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